Which month is the best for harvesting leeks?

The harvesting time of leeks is mainly concentrated in spring and autumn. The harvesting in spring is usually carried out from March to April.

At this time, leeks grow vigorously, the leaves are crisp and tender, and the yield is high, which is suitable for multiple harvesting. Autumn is from September to November, the temperature gradually cools, which is suitable for the growth of leeks and the quality improves. However, it is generally not suitable to harvest from June to August in summer, because the temperature is high, the growth of leeks is weakened, and the quality is reduced. After the beginning of autumn, the old leeks in summer can be harvested and harvested when they grow to 30 cm in height. The quality of leeks at this time is the best.

The number of harvests and intervals should also be noted. From spring to early summer, the appropriate number of harvests is 3-4 times. The harvesting interval depends on the growth conditions. When the ambient temperature is high and the water and fertilizer conditions are good, the harvesting interval is small; otherwise, it is appropriately increased. After the first harvest in spring, the second harvest generally takes 25-30 days, and the third harvest is 20-25 days after the second harvest.

In autumn, in order to nourish the roots over the winter, it can generally be harvested 1-2 times. In winter, due to weather reasons, leeks grow slowly and should not be harvested. In the north, leeks can generally be harvested until November, and then harvested in spring. Leeks grown in greenhouses can be harvested all year round.

In summary, the best time to harvest leeks is from March to April in spring and from September to November in autumn. Harvesting should be avoided in summer, and harvesting should be stopped in winter. The number and interval of harvests should be adjusted appropriately according to growth conditions.

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