$BTC 4.14 Bitcoin price today: The currency circle plummeted again, and there was a rapid downward trend. Many altcoins were also hit hard, and many currencies were even cut in half.

Analysis in early April pointed out that Bitcoin is expected to reach $300,000 in the next two years, but it is still in a state of volatility in the short term. It is currently undergoing a C-wave decline, and the first target of the decline is around 61,000. But this is only a short-term goal. If it cannot break through quickly, it may pull back again. The main force may create extreme panic, with a target of 59,000~56,000.

Order opening suggestion: If you already hold a long order, the stop loss should be placed near the opening price of 62,000. Partners who have not entered the market can wait and see if there will be a second extreme decline.

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