Main Image text: BTC


※On the whole network, I was the only one who published a post on the 7th to suppress the 10,000-point empty master on March 19th, specifying the time from the 11th to the 18th.

※I was the only one on the Internet who posted in March that war would break out after April 10th.

※ I am the only one in the entire network who warns that if a high point is established after 1 a.m. on the 14th, we should immediately pay attention to the 10,000-point bearer to suppress it. At present, the total has collapsed by 10,000 points.

※I'm the only one on the entire internet who doesn't know what a stinker is.


★A temporary low was established at 5 a.m., but as mentioned above, the 16th has not yet arrived.

Therefore, the current low rebound will only maintain downward shock at most.

Follow up and pay attention to the small empty main after 15:00 on the 14th and the empty main after 0:00 on the 15th. Before that, you need to wait for the rebound to reach a high point. If the rebound high point is not established, the bearer will not come. We’ll see if the rebound builds a high point later.

#大盘走势 #BTC
