Is it really possible to get rich by speculating in cryptocurrencies?

1. First of all, I am Chinese and live in mainland China. This is almost the only international free trading market I can access.

2. The new capital market is still a blue ocean.

3. Consider whether you are suitable for this (do you dare to buy when the bear market falls, and do you dare to sell at the end of the bull market. Can you hold on to it and not change the car randomly in the middle)

4. If you decide to speculate, go to Binance and Ouyi, don’t do copycat exchanges. Everyone has seen Sun Ge’s Huobi self-insertion pin.

5. Don’t touch the contract. No matter you are a novice or a veteran, if you want to make a stable profit in the contract, you must be a genius in mentality + technology.

6. Spot is king, and not being able to hold is a common problem for most leeks.

7. To borrow a sentence from Li Xiaolai, make friends with time.

8. Compound interest is terrible, slow is fast, brothers, make money together in this bull market! !

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