The importance of following the right team is like a lighthouse on the sea

Good afternoon, everyone. I don’t know how your performance is now, but there must be losses. This is beyond doubt. Some people say that individual operations are flexible and convenient, and some people say that individual operations will do their best 100% of their experience

There are definitely advantages, but there are also disadvantages, such as limited information, inability to choose better currencies, and impossibility of considering all aspects, etc.

Of course, some people will refute that the team also has disadvantages, and this is also agreed, because there has never been anything 100% good, just like the currency circle, there is no permanent profit, this needs to be based on personal judgment

We also have short orders for 70,500, and some friends have also taken them, so wasn’t yesterday’s market also fragrant? And the teams are different from each other. We can't do nothing, be inactive, and just ignore the team.

After playing for so many years, intuition is also very important. Before the big drop, I felt very depressed and uncomfortable, as if something big was going to happen. When my partners asked me last night, I said that I felt that the market was going to go down at any time. I always felt uneasy, so I reduced my position and went short. It was proven in real time that it was true.

Answer every question, solve the problem, stop profit at high point, stop loss in time, recommend good coins, fight as a team, and move forward courageously!

+v: Z310ayamyg3291

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