Recently, I found that there are more and more newbies in the exchange, which also shows that the cryptocurrency circle is in a bull market.

Every bull market in this field will bring in a lot of fresh blood. When the bear market comes, everyone returns in disappointment, leaving only a few people who are particularly unconvinced, and continue to explore in the cryptocurrency circle, waiting for another round of bull market to come.

So can newbies make money in the cryptocurrency circle?

In fact, we should think about this question in reverse, why newbies can't make money in the cryptocurrency circle, what are the reasons that hinder making money, solve the problem, and find the answer.

First: lack of knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle, newbies enter this field, in a very vague and confused state, what are the sectors, what is the purpose of each currency, how to choose, which are the risks, and which have opportunities, they don't know. I even found that many people entered not the real blockchain industry, but in fake blockchain projects, and have already lost money.

Second: There are countless true and false news in the currency circle every day, and there are countless information. Which ones need to be paid attention to, how to interpret them, and what is the relationship between the news and our investment, including policy news, fund security, and how to make deposits and withdrawals.

The above does not involve the actual trading and buying and selling!

If Xiaobai wants to make money in the currency circle, he should concretize these problems and find ways to solve them.

Everyone wants to make money in the investment market, and no one likes to lose money, but why do you make money and what are your advantages in making money.

These problems are not solved by asking someone today to tell you the answer. We will encounter new problems every day.

How to solve these problems in the long term, once and for all, so that you can live safely in the currency circle, can get results.

In Biquan Investment, many people like to join various communities to listen to news and invest, because they think it is "cost-free". But we have to think about what kind of people will be in the group, and do they have the same purpose as you? Will real investment masters, those who get results, listen to news in the group?

What is everyone's level, what is their cognition, and how do they distinguish? When you choose to believe what others say, you will do as they say and pay the cost. This is how many people take detours and lose money.

You have to understand that you don’t need to be responsible for what others say in casual chat. In other words, the freer something is, the greater the price you pay. I believe that those who have experienced it have a deep understanding of this.

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