Everyone was upset last night! But life has to go on, and this round of exclusive benefits for new users is a good time for us to make up for the losses!

In the past, new users could get 50-100 dollars of benefits in each round!

The event has just started, and there are still places!

Event time: 08:00 on April 13, 2024 to 07:59 on April 16, 2024 (Eastern Time Zone 8)

Sao Ge: Exclusive link: https://www.suitechsui.io/zh-CN/join?ref=SO0N4UQV

Invitation code: SO0N4UQV

Among them, new users who [rank in the top 2,000 in transaction volume] can each receive 0.5 OMNI rewards, with a limited amount and on a first-come, first-served basis; new users who rank after 2,000 in transaction volume and [have a transaction volume of no less than 100 USDT] will share 1,000 OMNI.

How to participate:

During the event, new users can register an account and complete identity verification through the invitation link of Binance KOL or Binance Captain who participated in this event;

New users need to deposit funds through Binance C2C or on-chain transfer (Note: using Binance internal transfer will not meet the participation qualification);

During the event, new users must complete transactions, and the transaction volume must be no less than 100U (spot, leverage or contract).
