First of all, have you made any money?

Anyway, even though I made money, it’s not fully understood by the mainstream.

I am a sensitive person, so I feel like I live for others.

I started trading cryptocurrencies in early 2015 and made a total of 1.4 million during my three years in college.

I know that this amount of money may not seem like much to some people. After all, some people are so conservative that they think college students should just study hard and not mess around with their own things.

I make money from the cryptocurrency world, and they always think that the cryptocurrency world is not a proper job.

But I think I was very successful in those years. I hate Versailles. I don’t think I am excellent in all aspects, but my ability to make money is definitely not bad, at least for now.

Accumulated money is one thing, but experience is more important.

The people who understand me the most at the moment are those closest to me, because they know how I got through this.

When I was making 100,000 yuan, I thought it was too little. What can 100,000 yuan do? After all, many people can make 100,000 yuan in a year if they work hard at other jobs.

When I made 300,000 yuan, I felt that it was not enough. But 300,000 yuan could not last me a lifetime, so I started to talk about inflation.

When I make millions, I may not think that I make too little, but I still feel that my money is from gambling. I guess there are many people who want to laugh at me and want to see how I lose all the money I have earned. Then some people will use inflation as an example to say that money will depreciate.

People who don't think highly of me always find various reasons.

There are differences between people.

Some people see others making money and think about how to find opportunities;

Some people, when seeing others making money, always think that this person's money came from an illegal source. In their perception, they are right, they are mediocre because of bad luck, and others' success is due to bad luck.

In this case, I will continue to make money, strive to make tens of millions, hundreds of millions, and even more, and finally use the money I earn to help the fields of biohealth and artificial intelligence.

I guess those who deny me will still deny me, even if I achieve my goal of tens of millions or hundreds of millions in the future.

After I made my first pot of gold in the cryptocurrency circle, I have always taken the most stable route. In the past two years, the only major setback I encountered was when FTT collapsed. My funds were cut in half due to leverage, and I took advantage of the rebound to get out and stop the loss in time.

Since that time, I have completely quit leverage. In the past year or so, my maximum drawdown has basically been controlled within 20%.

This is my way of playing it safe.

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For on-chain activities, in order to prevent risks (such as wallet theft, project hacking, etc.), I divided 7 wallets into different projects. And every time I finish an airdrop, I will cancel all authorizations of the wallet.

I am still young, I don't need to take risks to get rich overnight. My biggest advantage is not my money, but time.

I know where my circle of competence is.

I don’t need to compare myself with those younger generations who are similar in age to me but earn tens or hundreds of millions. Because I like to look at data, and there are only a handful of these people in the country. I know the current per capita level, and I also roughly know what percentile I am in the crowd.

I will not look down on those who have only a few hundred or a few thousand dollars. Maybe one day they will find a better track and quickly surpass me. Maybe one day I will go bankrupt and they will develop steadily.

In this era, things change over time.

I won't look down on anyone unless that person looks down on me first.

I will work hard to earn tens of millions, hundreds of millions or even more.

Making money is addictive, so my goals are unlimited.

Although Buffett is not optimistic about cryptocurrencies, I agree with him.

Because he knows what stability means and what true compound interest is.

This is what I want to do, taking the most stable path in this impetuous market.

I don’t know how many years it will take for me to achieve tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

Of course I hope I can make tens of millions in two years, and hundreds of millions in five years, if for no other reason than to show it to those who don't recognize me.

I will keep going like this.

The result of exponential growth is that the power becomes greater as time goes by.

Human development is always moving forward, and I am fortunate to be born in such an era. #比特币减半 #fdusd #BOME $SOL $DOGE