It has been fifteen years since the birth of Bitcoin in 2009, and during these fifteen years, it has experienced four recognized bull markets. So, among the many cryptocurrency participants, how many have actually made money?

The answer is very few. Only a very small number of people have achieved financial freedom through cryptocurrencies. For most people, it would be very good if they did not lose money, let alone make a profit.

Who are the people who make money in the cryptocurrency world?

1: Those who act early.

This type of people came into contact with Bitcoin very early, and their starting point was far ahead of ordinary people. When they knew about Bitcoin, it was more than 2,000 US dollars per coin, while when they knew about it, it was still a few RMB per coin. For example, in the early days, game leveling and mining could be done while playing games, and more than a dozen coins could be mined a day. You can imagine how big the cost difference was.

2. People who run mines.

This type of people is even more powerful. It takes a computer 24 hours a day to mine a dozen coins. They directly rent land and build factories, and use hundreds or even thousands of professional mining machines to mine. Even if the cost is a bit higher than the earliest group of people, the advantage in numbers is incomparable.

3. People who open exchanges.

How do you cash out the mined coins? You naturally need a powerful exchange worldwide. Of course, you are not allowed to trade for free, so you have to pay a fee. The fee for a single transaction may not seem high, but it cannot withstand the large number of transactions worldwide.

4. People who provide services to the cryptocurrency community.

This is just like the gold rush in the United States a long time ago. Most people bought shovels to dig for gold, but there was one person who did not dig, but provided services to the gold diggers, such as providing trousers that are not easy to wear out. This is how jeans came about. Not many people got rich by digging for gold, but the one who sold pants did get rich. It is the same in the cryptocurrency circle. There are people who do not mine, but only provide mining machines to the miners.

5. A very lucky person.

At the end of the bear market, people who entered before the bull market started the bull market as soon as they bought. But these people often spit out their profits in the end. There is a famous saying in the currency circle: money earned by luck will be lost by ability."

6. A rich person.

A novice who enters the cryptocurrency market with tens of thousands of dollars is likely to lose money, while a novice who enters the cryptocurrency market with millions of dollars has the potential to make money. Let's analyze the logic behind this in depth:
Most of the newbies who invest tens of thousands of dollars to enter the market are just testing the waters. The characteristic of newbies is that they are blind. If Zhang San says this coin is good, they will buy this coin. If Li Si says that that coin has potential, they will buy that coin. Due to insufficient knowledge, they have not been baptized by the market, their transactions are immature, they do not know value investment, and they have no personal subjective judgment.

Even if a novice knows that buying Bitcoin is safe, he doesn’t know why Bitcoin is safe. Even if a novice makes money by buying Bitcoin, he can’t resist the temptation and will buy other coins, resulting in a loss. Another characteristic of a novice is that they want to make quick money. Obviously, the return on investment in Bitcoin is not as high as that of other currencies.

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