#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #热门话题

History is always surprisingly similar, the market will never change, and so will human nature.

At the beginning of the ups and downs in 2021, how many people thought it was okay, it was just a shock adjustment and it would rise, and then it was out of control.

The gradually rising K-line chart is just intentional, just telling everyone that it is going to be a big inflation. If you miss it, you will have no chance.

PPI, non-agricultural, all kinds of bad news have turned into good news, and institutional big money has forced the machine to draw the ticket, which has formed a favorable inflation situation.

Most people are calling for more, and those who play the contract band should also be careful. I believe the current situation must be short-lived.

The cake in front of you is very sweet, but if you accidentally slap it on your face, it may not only be your face that is dirty, but also your clothes! The current market is very difficult to endure, but we can look further ahead, and we will get long-term gains.