#比特币减半 I won’t talk too much during the trading session, and I will get straight to the point:

1. In the morning, the price of Bitcoin continued to fluctuate with shrinking volume, which was a torment for both long and short parties.

2. But it is foreseeable that the shorts will lose in the end, because in the face of the trend, all resistance is beyond their ability.

3. There is no problem with the market, so keep a calm mind and continue to hold the currency and wait.

This round of Bitcoin’s high-level sideways adjustment (time for space) is coming to an end. The longer the sideways, the higher the vertical! I know that many people are about to give up, and often some things will turn around when you are about to give up!

The reason is very simple: one is that Bitcoin has been sideways at a high level for a long time, and the other is that the cottage has fallen back.

The long-term sideways trading of Bitcoin has not risen, and the cottage has risen and fallen. These two factors have caused a lot of resentment among the current participants in the market, because during this period, only the index has been earned but no money has been made. The price of Bitcoin is still at this price, and your account net value may have retreated a lot, which is quite infuriating.

When the market only falls but does not rise, you will not sell, and when the market only rises but does not fall, you will not sell either. Only when it falls first and then rises, or rises first and then falls, will you want to sell, this is human nature!

Our current market state is like this, many people are anxious because the chips in their hands have fallen back, so they are very panicked!

But, isn't this a test in the process of rising? If you choose to leave at this time, wouldn't it just fall into the trap of the main force? Since the callback has not been avoided, you can't make a mistake and miss the subsequent rise!

Lao Jiu still said that it can't fall here, it would have fallen long ago, and now it is consuming your patience and forcing you to hand over your chips.

Today is Friday, excluding the impact of the news, the big cake will fluctuate and attack again in the evening. You must keep calm and don't make mistakes at the last minute and fall before dawn!

Lao Jiu's cloud-piercing arrow has been sent out, please check it out, brothers and friends!

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