Ten thousand bitcoins, a degree from Tsinghua University, a husband like Peng Yuyan (a wife like Liu Yifei), which one would you choose?

Ten thousand bitcoins.

Sell them immediately.

Then spend the money of ten to buy a degree.

The remaining nine thousand nine hundred and ninety are exchanged for a small apartment outside the middle ring or inside the outer ring of Shanghai.

The rest of life is eating and drinking, and doing whatever you want.

If you want to contribute to society, save a few months of rent, start a business, and provide some jobs.

If you want to contribute to human scientific breakthroughs, save a few months of rent, and then invest in a few scientists.

Think about it, this kind of life is a beautiful life~~~~~~

#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #WIF

I am the God of Wealth, see my pinned homepage, my bull market strategy deployment is shared with fans for free.