According to PANews, crypto researcher 0xLoki has reported a significant liquidation event on the Pac Finance platform. In this event, the address 0x4883094b78a6ea2A4AED28B864156276D2ACdb3d completed 93% of the liquidation, netting approximately 244 ETH. The funds were transferred in and out via bridging, with no other interaction apart from deploying the liquidation bot.

The founder of SlowMist, Yu Xian, has stated that this address has been marked as high risk on the MistTrack platform. This indicates a potential vulnerability or threat associated with the address, which users should be aware of when interacting with it on the platform. The details of the liquidation event and the subsequent marking of the address as high risk highlight the potential risks and challenges associated with crypto trading and investment.

This event underscores the importance of vigilance and risk management in the crypto space. Users are advised to stay informed about the latest developments and potential risks associated with their crypto investments. The marking of the address as high risk on the MistTrack platform serves as a warning to users about potential vulnerabilities and threats.