#Binance Binance new coin mining is launched in the 52nd project,

Use BNB and FDUSD to mine Omni Network ($OMNI)

🔶 One new coin a week, you can never mine all

With $BNB in your pocket, you can mine, and you can earn money after sleeping😋

🔶 Finally, let’s quickly talk about the application of $OMNI

Omni Network is positioned as the Ethereum interoperability infrastructure, providing interoperability for L2 networks such as Optimism and Arbitrum, and becoming the core infrastructure for all Rollup networks and modular applications on Ethereum, achieving a seamless and secure cross-Rollup user experience.

It can be seen that Omni Network is the superstructure after Ethereum expansion, which is used for cross-chain interaction between Ethereum L2. Now that L2 is flying all over the sky, Omni comes at the right time, practical and high-quality.

(Follow us and don’t get lost, let’s get rich together in the bull market😘

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