Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, has sparked a wave of revolution in the fields of finance and technology. However, hidden beneath the praises of decentralization and security, Bitcoin faces a fundamental challenge known as “trilemma” – a conundrum that developers must confront when trying to achieve security, decentralization, and scalability in a blockchain.

Source: OKX

1. Decentralization:

Decentralization is a core principle of blockchain technology, ensuring no individual or organization has absolute control. Each node in the network stores a copy of the ledger, allowing for transparent and independent verification of transactions. Thanks to this, blockchain is resistant to attacks and fraud, while bringing transparency to all activities on the network.

Bitcoin and Ethereum are two good examples of decentralized blockchains where anyone can participate and verify transactions. However, achieving complete decentralization has its limitations. Transaction processing speeds can be slower and consume more energy due to the need for consensus from multiple nodes in the network.

2. Scalability:

Scalability refers to the goal of building a blockchain that can support more and more transactions per second. This scale is required if blockchain technology is to serve a broader society and potentially billions of users. If a blockchain is scalable, it can process thousands of transactions per second (TPS) and withstand stress tests without network congestion.

3. Security:

Security is a key factor in blockchain technology, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the network. Through tools such as encryption, public key cryptography, and consensus algorithms, blockchain prevents unauthorized access and fraudulent activities. This allows every transaction to be recorded transparently and irreversibly, building trust among users.

However, blockchain security is not absolute. Threats such as 51% attacks or potential security vulnerabilities are still challenges that need to be addressed. Continuous research and development of new security solutions is key to ensuring the sustainable development of blockchain technology.

At first glance, it seems that most blockchains possess all three of these qualities, however if we drill down into each cryptocurrency, we can see that most of them only possess 2/3 of the characteristics. Even Bitcoin has chosen to prioritize decentralization and security, sacrificing scalability. This creates a solid, safe system but does not really meet daily payment needs.

Many new blockchain projects are attempting to solve the trilemma by applying various technological solutions such as sharding, layer 2, and new consensus mechanisms. However, there is still no perfect solution, and the race to find the optimal balance between the three elements of trilemma continues.

The future of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies depends on their ability to overcome the trilemma. Solving this dilemma will open the door to widespread adoption and realizing the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize the global financial system.