I plan to invest 5,000 yuan in cryptocurrencies. How can I quickly get to 100,000 yuan?

4,998 yuan is used to buy 684 U and put it in the exchange to earn interest. Calculate 15% for a year and you will have 100 U.

Then take the remaining two yuan to buy a pair of gloves and go to the construction site. Now I can earn 300 yuan a day. I have a little left over from the construction site in a month. There are almost 10,000 steel bars left. I buy all of them into U to earn interest.

In less than a year, I will have 100,000 yuan, and I will guarantee the principal and the income.

If I continue to invest 100,000 yuan in U, I will earn 50 yuan a day. Calculate 7 U a day, and leverage the interest 100 times.

It can guarantee the principal and impact 100 times wealth.

If you can achieve basic financial freedom with 50 yuan a day and eat big steamed buns, then you can start a live broadcast to take orders, let the workers on the construction site register for the wild chicken exchange, earn rebates and customer losses, and earn 100,000 yuan a month. It's simple.

The key is that your principal has not been touched.