Xiaodie's market analysis today:

Reviewing yesterday's CPI impact, the price fell below 68044 for a short time, but it started to counterattack in the early morning, and basically recovered all the previous losses. The price has also reached 71000. The main intention is obvious to wash out the small profit and attract those who missed the opportunity to short for the violent bull market. Waiting for the cocoon to become a butterfly once every four years, you will be out if you can't stand it once.

Yitai is currently 3558.57. It was also affected yesterday. When breaking through the strong resistance level of 3651, it made an additional breakthrough, luring a wave of retail investors chasing highs to enter the market, cleaning up a wave of bulls chasing highs, and falling back to the shock zone, causing most cottages to collectively fall sharply. Today, a strong fan talk will be launched to hit the 3644 line again. It is recommended to wait and see during this period.

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