A duck knows when the water in the river warms up in spring. How can you break through the siege in the market without strong skills and strength?

Yesterday, the strategy was publicly verified in real trading. The idea of ​​shorting at highs was 69435. The first line of shorting was 67600, which gained more than 1835 points and more than 6X profit!

4000U got 3w

Small risk control, small position and big profit, this is the core code of HY

Small stop loss, small position, risk control position is 1%-3%, but the profit is infinite. This operation mentality is good, stop loss when it should stop loss, stop profit when it should stop profit, and the arbitrage space is very stable!

Monthly return 10X, if it is not reached, it will be compensated, exclusive on the whole network!

The 5.1 special offer in the trading room is in full swing, details.......

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