1. Web3, who will you give your password to?

Good morning, everyone. Yesterday, my friends in the box group of debox helped me renew my blue V.

I send X

When I asked questions about Blue V in various groups, everyone gave me suggestions. Only my friends in the box group took the initiative to help me renew my membership. The connection between the box group members in debox is relatively close, especially the old members. The trust is relatively high.

I asked a friend in the group to renew the Blue V. We didn't know the steps to open it on behalf of others, so I gave the password to the friend in the group. The friend in the group helped me to log out and sent me a video. We agreed that I would treat him to a meal in Malaysia later.

If it were in other circles, I wouldn't necessarily dare to give my password to others, and they wouldn't necessarily dare to give me a credit card.

Now I can post long texts.

2. How do you participate in the various hot spots in the bull market?

Inscriptions should be considered the first big hot spot. I participated in it belatedly and almost lost all my money. Avav was so popular at that time, but it fell from 5 US dollars to 0.21 US dollars and never recovered. It was a pity.

The following multiple inscriptions are reset to zero.

Every time Tu Gou waits for me to go up, there will be a big correction, usually at night.

After all this, I found that you don’t have to participate in every hot spot. Try to play what you are good at, and you can make money, but you can’t get rich overnight.

For example, Binance mining, I use FDUSD to mine, a few hundred U each time is not a problem, W Wormhole airdrop, the initial amount is also more than 2000 U, I did not sell, and now there is not much, but it is also a profit. These are small amounts of money.

The big money is in debox. Every month, you participate in construction and publicity. As shown in the picture, there will basically be publicity rewards on the 10th, such as retweets. Sharing real feelings is considered construction and there are rewards.

I didn't know that the salary of Rabbit could be so exciting. I get a few Us as rewards every month when my points are on the chain. It's not lower than the income of senior elites. It would be even better if I could work for 12 years. This process is relatively easy.

This is picking up big money.

The altcoin market this year is quite special. BTC has been rising, but it is difficult to altcoin, and there has been little profit. When Bitcoin pulled back, the altcoin market started to rise by 10 points. I invested heavily in VDBX in this bull market, which indirectly avoided the pain of the pullback.

You don’t have to grab every hot spot. It doesn’t matter if the stocks you hold don’t rise. Be patient and wait. If you have time, do more research and follow the growth of the project. After you have a mature understanding of a project, you can dare to invest heavily in it to get rich and change your destiny.