Fear!! Fear is a form of adrenaline. Fear is the most harmful emotion.

It is the most used instrument, especially during periods when demand is intense (bull season).

These were the days we were talking about when we said don't make mistakes and don't sell at a loss.

Staying in cash is the simplest method to avoid loss. I hope you stuck to the warnings.

What we are talking about now is the negative effects of US inflation and interest rates not being reduced on crypto!!

This will happen, my brothers, you will get used to it and try not to make mistakes.

After the halving, the market may be worse than this, and you should be cautious and prepared for anything and everything.

Your psychology must be very strong, otherwise you will be in the losers' club. Capital changes hands during bull season. Some people win a lot, some lose a lot.

I think it is too early for the purchase, in my opinion, the significant portion should remain in cash.

I think we should wait until the end of May to make money from the bottoms. Purchases should be made within 15-20 days after the halving. These are my predictions and are definitely not investment advice.

I call Saga an altcoin suitable for investing and making money.

