Things to prepare in the last few days of the halving!

1. If you are already fully invested and continue to be optimistic about the future development of the currency circle, then you should start to rush U now, and the food and grass should be sent before the troops move!

2. If you are a short-term player and are afraid of short-term ups and downs, you can clear your position and wait and see before the halving, and then enter the market at the right time. As the saying goes, if you leave the green mountains, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood!

3. If you are a contract player, then you have to pay attention. There will definitely be pins and pins before and after the halving. It is recommended to close the order before going to bed at night. This is called being cautious!

4. If you are a pure novice, seeing that BTC has hit a record high, you are full of blood and want to rush into the currency circle to share a piece of the pie, Mr. Bo suggests that you pay attention to Mr. Bo first, and you will learn the knowledge of the currency circle before entering the top of the mountain, and make up for it! Lay a solid foundation for yourself! This is called a towering building rising from the ground, and glory can only be achieved by yourself!

If you can't grasp this line, come to Junyaozjy6660815↑car#BTC大饼减半, #ETH314 #BTC趋势预估