The law you must know to get rich in the bull market! ↓

1. In the bull market, the price fluctuations of those highly sought-after currencies are often more violent, and the decline may be more rapid.

2. Currencies that really have great potential in the market, such as 100x coins, are usually not widely promoted among the public.

3. On the contrary, they may only be mentioned by a few people in the early stages, and in a smaller social circle.

4. When choosing a currency, market capitalization, number of exchanges, number of holders, and investment institutions are not decisive reference factors.

5. Market trends always tend to change steadily, rather than overnight.

6. There are always forces in the market to reverse operations at critical moments, affecting market expectations.

7. The pull-up methods of altcoins are similar, and the pull-up process is often longer, requiring patient observation.

8. For newly listed currencies, if their prices first rise sharply and then fall rapidly, then such currencies should be avoided.

9. Similarly, there are always forces in the market to create traps when chasing up.

10. Sometimes the price falls after buying, but rises after selling. This is the norm in the market and cannot be changed by personal power.

11. If the price rises after buying, the profit is between 5%-20%, but then the price starts to fall back, this may mean that the currency is about to enter a callback phase.

12. The currency with the strongest rebound is not necessarily the one with the most potential.

13. In a bull market, if you want to bet on a rebound, you should choose a currency with a large increase and is currently popular.

14. Holding a view contrary to most people and investing accordingly can sometimes bring unexpected success.

15. In a bull market, those currencies that closely follow the rise and fall of Bitcoin and fluctuate violently are often the stars of this round of bull market.

16. Some potential coins may perform mediocrely in the early stage of the bull market, but may usher in explosive growth in the later stage of the bull market.

17. In a bull market, if a currency can maintain a stable price for several months after a 10-fold increase, it is likely to be a currency with long-term potential.

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