There is a leverage contract in the contract, which makes people tremble with fear.

10u, once you add 10 times leverage, you will instantly feel that you have 100u in your hand; once you add 100 times leverage, it will be 1000u! But then again, the higher the leverage, although the opportunity to make money is greater, the risk will also rise with it. Just think about it, under 100 times leverage, as long as the market price fluctuates by more than 1%, your wallet will explode and there will be nothing left.

This contract is really a love-hate thing. Once you open a high-multiple contract, you can't do anything else that day. You have to stare at the number, and you are so nervous that your palms are sweating, for fear that you will lose a lot in the blink of an eye. Moreover, the opportunity to close the position is fleeting. Once you miss it, the profit will turn into a loss in an instant. Do you think it's exciting?

In this contract world, the long army and the short army are natural enemies. The money you earn is all taken from your opponents. If you make 10u, it means someone will lose 10u. This business is really a win-lose business.

It is said that "one day in the cryptocurrency world is like one year in the human world", which is true. There is also the saying "small profits are the beginning of big losses", which is also a wise saying. It is not as simple as it seems to do contracts. The tricks in it have to go against human nature. Sometimes you think it is time to close the position, but you can't help but want to take a few more glances in your heart. What if it goes up? By then, you will not have time to slap your thighs, and you may not be able to control yourself and place orders to chase the rise. This is the charm and trap of contracts!

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