Since last night, the market has continued to fall back. Although the force is not strong, it is quite torturous. At the same time, there is a divergence trend that Ethereum is getting stronger and Bitcoin is starting to fall back. It can be understood as a compensatory rise relative to Bitcoin. The currencies on the list of gains are not considered to be strong currencies before. They look like copycats, which makes the current trend even more confusing.

Ethereum, after independently rebounding to a new high, began to fall back within the day. There are reports that Ethereum's strength in the past two days may be related to Vitalik's meeting in Hong Kong. There are also reports that the Wenzhou gang has started to deal with Ethereum, and it is unclear whether it is true or false. A shooting star has appeared on the daily K-line. From the daily line structure, it can even be regarded as the second highest point of the first center. The structure is questionable. The Ethereum-related currencies that rose in the early trading of the day basically gave up and delayed waiting.

SOL, the rise did not keep up, but the fall did.

ORDI, the callback structure since 96.465 cannot be confirmed to be over. The current second consolidation interval is relatively long. The conventional logic is that it is more reasonable to break 55 again.

BCH, the price of the currency broke after the five-day line came up, and the daily line has three crows. If BING continues to fall, the prince may have a long shadow on the daily line. If it can't even rebound to 690 in the evening, it is easy to be interpreted as the hourly K-line high point gradually moving down, and the ultra-short-term bulls should avoid it.

Bread, 71300 has been easily broken, which is obviously not the strongest bull trend. Generally speaking, the more the bulls give up in a wave of pull-ups, the weaker the bulls are, after all, the psychological expectation of cashing in is relatively strong. If the breakthrough above 70326 is regarded as a continuation, then it is normal to cover it down to 69000 in the evening.

There are many differences in Bread, only the weekly line looks basically an upward relay, and it is difficult to guess how it will adjust internally. The decline of the big cake from 72797 has shown a certain degree of large-volume short-selling phenomenon in the afternoon, but the structure cannot be confirmed to be completed. Overall, the possibility of continued adjustment in the short term is slightly greater. Once the adjustment is out, the support position around 67000 needs to be observed.

#SOL🔥🔥🔥🔥 #bch #BTC、