SAGA's current rhythm directly eats up the first wave of selling pressure, and then will continue to consume the subsequent selling pressure. Not concentrating the selling pressure together will make the K-line look better, and mobilizing the market sentiment will better protect the market and maintain the market value. The market value is stable at a certain basis, and the K-line is stable at a reasonable position, which will attract more retail investors to buy. Then after the market value is done, it is possible to continue the B round and C round of financing. After all, the CEO and COO are both venture capitalists, and using the market value to continue financing is what they are best at. It's not that I don't see this model, but I simply think that the risk is not small. The short-term price has almost exceeded my expectations. I may lose interest in this target temporarily. #Saga #大盘走势 #SHIB #WIF