Analysis of the status of the cryptocurrency bull market

Currently, the cryptocurrency market is at a critical turning point. I think we are about to witness the start of a new high. This wave of market is very likely to directly hit the high of more than $100,000, but it is expected that its upward space is limited and will not go too far.

Forecast of rising cycle and adjustment period

After experiencing a continuous rise from September last year to now, the market will enter an adjustment period of at least two months. This means that the end of the current wave of market does not mean the end of the bull market, but the market needs some time to rest and accumulate strength for the next round of rise.

Bitcoin hits a new high and the opportunity of altcoins

It is worth noting that when Bitcoin hits a new high and stabilizes its position and continues to open up new highs, this will be the charge moment for altcoins. At that time, there will be a wave of altcoin carnival in the market, and investors should be prepared to welcome this general rise and enjoy the pleasure of winning.

Investment strategy and advice

In this context, I suggest that investors remain calm and treat market fluctuations rationally. For mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin, you can pay attention to their performance after hitting a new high and adjust your positions in time. As for altcoins, you can seize the opportunity of their carnival, but you should also pay attention to risk control and avoid blindly chasing high prices.