April 9, 2024

✅️Yesterday's market review

All the market conditions are exactly the same as Brother Yu's analysis a few days ago. The market began to change on 7/8 and rebounded upward. The big cake is close to 73,000, and the second cake is close to 3,700. The market is as expected. After the adjustment, it must be a process of continuous breakthroughs and continuous highs. This is a bull market!

✅️Today's market analysis

The big cake is currently around 71,500, and the second cake is currently around 3,700. The highest price of the big cake is 72,797. After the high, it stepped back, consolidated, and continued to break through. The intraday market may break the new high. The second cake is very strong, and 4,000 will be soon!

The intraday pressure level of the big cake is 72300/73000/73700

The support level is 71000/70000/68500

The intraday pressure level of the second cake is 3750/3850/3960

The support level is 3680/3600/3520

The market is developing, and the intraday operation is mainly low and long, and the pin can be directly more!

✅️ Spot sector analysis

The market rebounded, the cottage recovered, although there was no large-scale outbreak, but everything is just right, and it will come back, brothers just hold it patiently! In the past two days, Ordi first led everyone to build a position at 60, and the highest was 79.5 to get 30% spot income. Ordi must break 100!

The re-pledge sector track that has been emphasized in the past two days has also begun to break through. Ena Ethfi is rebounding, and continue to hold!

The layout of the new round of market in April has begun. If you are still hesitating, come to the group to find me!