In April, BTC surged to 72,000, while ETH rose like crazy!

So is the spring that retail investors expect coming? Some people are also worried, will there be a callback?

It is normal to have high-amplitude fluctuations in special air conditions, but at the same time, but this time the overall rise is still.

BTC stabilized at 72,000. The range came to 73,000-75,000.

A new round of outbreak is about to begin!

However, be alert to risks at night, and don’t short easily to prevent foreigners from pulling the market at night!

Also be alert to risks, reduce the amount of holdings and don’t go all in!

The Daxing Investment Research Team will also arrange April according to the key points mentioned before, and it is still the same, so the strategy deployment will be shared with fans free of charge

Of course, the team is so big and the number of places is limited.

Joining conditions: real players!

No threshold, no fees,

We are only looking for real bull market spot coin hoarding enthusiasts. Long-term belief, common recognition of our strategy, can become a member of our core team. If you missed the opportunity before, now is your last chance to get on board. Follow and leave a message

#ordi #btc #ETH🔥🔥🔥 #SHIBI #Meme