$BTC $ETH $BNB #新币挖矿 #大盘走势 #非农数据 No matter how the market progresses, as long as you identify the trend rhythm, you can get space. The morning pattern structure has been clearly stated. The casting of the double bottom stabilizes the surface. The tension is a matter of ironclad certainty. Sure enough, the market trend is also the same. In this way, the 70,000 mark once again launched a counterattack towards 72,000, reaching the previous high point and only one step away from the new high. In the morning, the long order was more than 2,000 points directly captured. Don't be too simple. Too many gorgeous words don’t mean much. Only through personal experience can you understand the joy of seizing the trend. Don’t hesitate when it’s time to take action, let’s seize it together!

From a four-hour perspective, Lianyang's rhythm is quite on the upper track, and there is no need for retracement on the surface. Currently, the three-string opening is still upward, and the middle track has moved up to the previous shock point. According to the current rhythm, it is quite New highs are just a matter of time. After this momentum has increased, short-term repairs are needed. Just continue to trade time for space. In the evening, we can keep the arrangement of more retracements.

The pie is around 71500-71700, look at 74000

My aunt is around 3570-3580, watch 3700