If you really make a lot of money in this bull market, remember these ten suggestions!

1. Buy a big house in the city center quickly, the area should be 280 square meters, so that you can live comfortably.

2. Write a resignation report on A4 paper, take a photo and show it to the stingy boss, tell him that you are quitting!

3. Buy a Porsche Panamera, drive it home during the Spring Festival, and let relatives and friends see how face you have.

4. Keep the money you have made a secret, don't tell anyone, not even your family.

5. Pay off all your debts first, and you will feel at ease.

6. Save the money first, don't rush to spend it, and wait for a year to see the situation.

7. Don't do business with friends or relatives to avoid trouble, it's better to do it alone.

8. Don't let your children know how rich your family is, so that they won't be blinded by money.

9. Life is still the same, this money is just a pie in the sky, don't take it too seriously.

So how to make a lot of money in this bull market? Very simple

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