I found that many new investors still cannot understand the hedging arbitrage strategy that can obtain an annualized return of more than 20% with almost low risk. The old investors will give you a few more strategies for free:

1. Spot + perpetual contract

For example: Buy Bitcoin or Yitai or other currencies in spot, and simultaneously open short positions of the same amount of the same currency in perpetual contracts at 10-20 times. Buying with high funding rates may cause large fluctuations, and settlement is once every 4 hours/8 hours. Ordi's funding rate is 1-6,000 yuan/four hours, and the daily income is 4-25,000 yuan, which is 14.6-91.25% annualized; Yitai and Bitcoin are basically stable at 1-3,000 yuan/eight hours, with a daily income of 3-9,000 yuan and an annualized rate of 11-32%.

In addition, since perpetual contracts are leveraged, pay attention to liquidation. You can place a sell order in the spot at a price slightly lower than the liquidation price in advance, and set a stop loss on the contract. In this way, even if a liquidation occurs, the profit from the spot will almost 100% offset the loss of the short contract; another trick is to put a part of the spot into the contract as margin (joint margin model).

2. Delivery contract + perpetual contract

For example: open short orders for delivery contracts at 10-20 times, and open long orders for perpetual contracts at 10-20 times, the quantity must be the same. Take the current aunt as an example: the price of ETH's second quarter 0628 delivery contract is more than 140U/unit higher than the perpetual contract, and the long funding rate is 1-3 per thousand, and the remaining time is about 80 days. On the delivery date, the prices of the two must be equal or almost no more than 0.05U. In this way, after expiration, every two ETH (1 long and 1 short) invested can get a price difference of 140U. The cost paid is that the funding fee for more than 80 days is about 70-120U, and the net profit is 20-70U. 1x leverage investment requires about 6800U, and the 80-day yield is 0.3-1.03%, and the annualized rate is 1.4-4.7%. Because of hedging opening positions, the risk of liquidation when opening a 20x leverage position is very small (in the full-position mode, each position may be liquidated individually). Calculated at 20x leverage, the annualized rate is 28-94%.

3. Other combinations

It can be a combination of market arbitrage, option + contract arbitrage, compound arbitrage and other combination strategies, which will not be elaborated one by one. I believe that it is enough for all the leeks to learn to use the above two strategies.

In the currency circle, most people may not look down on the annualized rate of return of 20%, and they are all rushing to get rich overnight, but as long as they experience repeated greed, luck, liquidation, frustration, regret and other psychological states, and then compare them with the current bank financial management, they will feel that it is fragrant #ETH🔥🔥🔥 #ordi #BTC大饼减半,