🚨🚨🚨 Crazy money laundering exceeds 2 billion yuan, involving many places across the country

👀👀👀 Police from many places simultaneously arrested the suspects involved

The Beijing police and the Beijing Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange jointly cracked a series of cases involving virtual currency, involving more than 2 billion yuan, involving 15 provinces and cities including Beijing, Shanghai, and Zhejiang. It is worth noting that this case is not only a variety of hidden criminal methods, but also a "serial case", from dark web transactions to illegal foreign exchange trading, which is complicated.

In December 2023, the police divided into four groups and took action simultaneously in Wenzhou, Nanjing, Beijing, and Harbin to arrest all the suspects involved in the case. The police seized more than 20 mobile phones and other electronic devices and more than 30 bank cards engaged in illegal activities on the spot. After counting, the case involved more than 2 billion yuan in funds, and more than ten virtual currency wallets were used for illegal transactions.

In my country, virtual currency-related business activities are illegal financial activities. Using virtual currency as a cross-border transaction medium to realize illegal exchange of foreign exchange and RMB is an illegal foreign exchange transaction. According to the "Foreign Exchange Administration Regulations of the People's Republic of China", those who privately buy and sell foreign exchange, buy and sell foreign exchange in disguised form, resell foreign exchange, or illegally introduce large amounts of foreign exchange will be warned by the foreign exchange administration, and the illegal gains will be confiscated and fined; if it constitutes a crime, criminal liability will be pursued in accordance with the law.

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