Rules for making money in a bull market:

1 Once the rise begins, it will never end easily, so don't be afraid of the big pullback in the early stage, and don't bet without thinking. The most fearful thing is to buy more and more, and then you will be trapped by a big pullback!

2 There are many pins in the bull market. If your position is not full, try to wait for a pullback and go all in directly, otherwise you will be injected at any time, and most people can't stand it.

3 You must do a good job of position management. It is best to layout several sectors, because if you have a full position in one sector, this sector will not move in the short term, and other sectors will rise all the way. This is the most uncomfortable. You will be trapped again as soon as you chase it, and it will take off again in a few days after clearing the position. I guess many people have encountered it, so either don't buy it, or you must hold it firmly after buying it. You will always wait until your coin rotates. In the bull market, even the garbage coins will have a five-fold or ten-fold increase, except for a few large market capitalizations.

4 The market always rises in disagreement. It can only rise when some people scold and some are optimistic. Unanimous optimism is often a risk in the short term, and a bunch of people scolding is often an opportunity. Look at arb and strk and you should understand.

5 Don't always think about short-term high-selling and low-buying. Once the bull market starts, you will find that you can't get on the train at all. You can't make as much money as others who lie down and pretend to be dead even if you play with Mars.

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6 Once the bull market starts, it will not end easily. You will find that every time there is a big correction, the market will panic. Everyone says that the bull has run away. At least you will encounter three or four big corrections before the bull market may end. Even if the bull market ends, there will generally be an oversold rebound and a big market trend. So in fact, don't be afraid, you must have a pattern. As long as you can hold it, and you don't hold junk coins like eos, even if it's worse, there will be five times or ten times. Then adjust the position and eat another wave. It's not difficult to eat twenty or thirty times in a round of bull market.

7 Remember to invest with idle money, never borrow money, enjoy life well, and investing with idle money is the truth.

Reposted from Bi Lao