You can't just analyze, you have to give specific strategies, including but not limited to reference entry points, exit points, risk control points, and reasonable increase points if there is a position increase.

Of course, after all these are prepared, there must be some references for position management. Do you know? This is your normal and firm emotional output value, because in reality, most friends don't have so much time to guess your analysis.

Moreover, many people who only give points without position references are completely bullshit. Spot leverage and contracts cannot only look at points, and position management is also a top priority. It's not enough to just analyze and draw pictures. For example, if you go long on Audi ordi, after it goes up, you don't know where to run. If it falls back, you are not very distressed?

Those who can buy are apprentices, and those who can sell are masters. You only get it when you put it in the bag. So are there not many examples of many people who don't know where to buy the bottom and escape the top and finally ride a roller coaster?

Learning is only one aspect. After all, everyone is here to make money, just like those copycat brands. Only by making money and surviving can we talk about innovation! After paying for tuition, all you get are technical courses or theories, without even specific signal strategies and orders, what's the point!

Even if you have all these, it won't work. At least when you're done, take out the order number, and you can tell at a glance whether you have made a real volume transaction! $ORDI