• First register a Binance web3 wallet and back up the private key

  • Then buy 60-70U of Bitcoin on the exchange and transfer it to your wallet (Note: you will actually need less than 70U of Bitcoin, but it is better to be prepared)

Next, click on the item as shown in the picture

After clicking in, you will see three tasks

Do the first task first. After clicking on the first task, you will see two wallet link buttons in the lower left corner as shown below.

The first one is the linked BEVM wallet, the second one is the linked BTC wallet;

This task is to transfer BTC from the BTC mainnet to the BEVM cross-chain.

After the link is completed, the wallet address will be displayed as shown in the figure

Pay special attention to the second address here, click it and copy it, then transfer BTC to this address! The best amount is 0.0006. The official minimum transfer amount is 0.0004, but it may not be successful due to gas fees, so you must transfer 0.0006. Enter the amount in the red circle in the figure below and click the button starting with T below to transfer.

After the transfer, please wait patiently. It requires at least one confirmation from the Bitcoin main network. Sometimes it takes a long time. I waited for about 20 minutes. After the transfer, click the position in the lower right corner as shown in the picture

After entering, you will see a green grid and four gray grids. Wait patiently for the grid to turn green as shown below.

At this time, the task is completed. Click the BACK button in the upper right corner to return to the three-task interface. Click the refresh button as shown in the picture, and 200 shares will be credited to your account.

The first mission ends here.

2. Next is the second task. Click the button as shown to enter the second task.

After entering, follow the picture below to link the wallet. You will find a small problem with the Binance wallet here, that is, the Binance wallet is unstable and the link will be disconnected soon after the link. Later, I found that you can also enable the Binance wallet by directly clicking on the Little Fox Wallet, and it is very stable.

After the link is completed, fill in the value and content

The first line should be filled with the minimum value of the item: 0.0003;

The second row is also the minimum value: 10;

The third line Referrer (inviter address) please paste my address: 0x9a8Fee9c045B2018a90d777751f704E8eE9D8695

You can increase your points and get more OSHI airdrop tokens

Then click Approve. This is not the end. After Approve is successful, continue to click Create Position and then authorize the wallet. It cost me about 28 yuan.

The second task is completed. Finally, return to the first three tasks page and click the circle in the picture below. It will help you confirm whether it is successful. If successful, it will show that you have obtained 100 shares.The third task is very simple, it is a sign-in task, which needs to be clicked every day from April 4th to May 4th, a total of 30 days. Just remind yourself every day not to forget!

The first time you complete three tasks, you will get 310 shares. Each time you sign in for the third task, you will get 10 more shares.