Playing Crypto well is the fastest and shortest way to get rich in the current world!

That's why current Korean youth are all in crypto!

Everyone says that trying and being persistent every day will help us achieve what we want, but perhaps being rich is not one of them!

It's clear to see how Koreans' desire to get rich is crushed by Chebol

If day by day we only advance with addition, today makes xxx, tomorrow makes xxx and tomorrow makes xxx - at first our account will grow extremely fast but over time the growth rate will be even higher. getting slower and slower!

Day 1, day 2 we have double the amount of money, day 3 it is 50%, day 4 it is 25%, day five it is 20%,... after a thousand days, every day we We only earn 0.1%!

- Obviously it is not the key to wealth!

The key to wealth is accumulation but not addition - it must be exponential accumulation - work clearly cannot enable us to accumulate wealth that increases multiplicatively. yes - it must be an investment!

The key to being rich is how many times we will increase our assets after a certain period of time!

In the past, everyone who made a living would buy land, find ways to accumulate and then whoever could keep it until now was prosperous, but this took a long time and sometimes many people tried their whole lives but never enjoy the results of your work!

With Crypto currently, we have a 4-year cycle, so we just need to achieve an effective asset increase profit after each 4-year cycle!

For well-off people with existing assets, it only takes 1-2 cycles to become rich thanks to the principal capital of available assets!

What about people who don't have enough assets?

For those who don't have high income, they have to take even more risks. In one cycle, there will be dozens of trends to pour money into - if you want to be rich, you have to follow many trends or eat one big trend.

However, you must remember clearly that when you have results, you must protect them at all costs, do not let the market take away your capital position.