Attention all friends in the currency circle, please prepare sacks, sit firmly and hold yourself firmly, fasten your seat belts, Laojiu is going to take everyone on the highway! Starting today (April 7), prepare for a new round of rising prices!

The news this week was relatively concentrated, but the overall fluctuations in the pie were limited; the United States released non-agricultural data for March on Friday, which exceeded expectations, and the Fed's interest rate cut was postponed again. As for U.S. stocks, as long as there are expectations of interest rate cuts, U.S. stocks will continue to rise. There is no way, people have been in a bull market for more than ten years, and after ups and downs, as long as a few leading companies continue to make profits, the US stock market will continue to rise.

Compared to the U.S. stock market, Big Pie is like a child with slow steps. He has just learned to walk, but it takes a long time to learn to walk. From the initial ugly duckling to the now full-fledged white swan, it took a full 15 years.

So, do you really think the current 70k pie is high? If you don’t even think 70k is high, then why are you in this industry?

As big as the heart is, the stage is as big as it is. Those with short positions will definitely escape all declines, but only those who dare to hold the currency will have their accounts doubled and achieve a small degree of freedom!

Regarding the trend in the evening, Lao Jiu emphasized three points again, which are really related to your and my wallet:

1. The market continued to fluctuate upward over the weekend and is currently trading around 70k. The overall trend is in line with expectations!

2. The main force’s intentions are too obvious, but many people are still kept in the dark; since the daily trend rebounded from 61k, there are still many people who have not gotten on the train. Why? I'm afraid of heights, I think the current cakes are too expensive, wait a minute, I'll see, these are the main reasons for not getting on the bus! This is what the main force wants!

3. From a technical perspective, the daily trend has formed a triangle convergence, and the direction will soon come!

Combined with Article 2, current market trends and market sentiments continue to maintain huge differences. Often at this time, the truth is only in the hands of a few people! Then the trend of the pie will only go in one direction. Lao Jiu summed it up in three words: keep rising!

It has risen to the point where those who have not boarded the bus slap their thighs, and to the point where those who are not determined are doubting life!

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