Summary and screening of today's important information:

The developers of the Ordinals protocol announced that Runestone NFT holders will receive an airdrop of three Runes Memecoins.

$AAVE- The founder of AAVE hinted that there will be good news next week. $ATLAS- Star Atlas released gameplay footage of the "Surge" game mode, which will be launched on April 20.

$BICO- The Biconomy team may be planning an airdrop for $BICO stakeholders.

$ETHFI- Etherfi announced the launch of the second Liquid Vault next week, a US dollar market neutral strategy.

$NMT- NetMind Power announced that it will release a fiat payment option for the inference platform and GPU leasing next week.

$WOO- Expect an "airdrop announcement" on April 8.