ETH daily price fluctuates upward in the falling channel, MACD short volume is gradually shrinking, but it is still not optimistic, still in a long disadvantage, short power is dominant. The boll middle track 3450 is also the upper pressure position of the daily level. The 4-hour price is still in the upward movement of the boll rising channel, MACD long volume is increasing, and the price has a significant correction. The boll box is narrowing and running with a small rise. So in the four-hour

Although the bulls are dominant, the overall price has not been effectively released, and there is even the possibility of a correction. The 1-hour indicators began to move downward. Then in the short term, we should pay attention to the 1-hour boll middle track 3340. If the price is not supported here, the overall price may continue to fall.

Short-term trend:

At present, it has not fallen below 3380, and the decline has begun to slow down, and it may rise upward. In the short term, it is not stable above 3400, and it may continue to fall back. If it falls back to the boll middle track 3340 without breaking, it can still be bullish. #ETH🔥🔥🔥