Selling U on Yibifu will freeze your card once! (From

As long as you are professional enough, even uncles will consult you.

Some time ago, an uncle from a certain place contacted the author online and wanted to consult about "Yibifu".

In the middle of the night, the author called the uncle to understand the general situation.

In the process of handling the case, the uncle encountered a suspect using Yibifu. What is this Yibifu?

Yibifu is not a virtual currency exchange. It is a special service for the black and gray industries and white and black funds. It is an acceptance platform for buying and selling USDT. Most of the people who use it are players in online gambling platforms. For example, a certain cloud mainly promotes players to download Yibifu to buy and sell U and add and subtract points in their own background.

Yibifu is in the Philippines, and the boss behind it is also a gambling boss. When you withdraw U from the platform and sell it on Yibifu, 100% of the money you receive comes from the gambling platform and the fraud funds. When you sell U from Yibifu, just like you withdraw RMB from the platform, you can often receive the funds involved in the case.

Why do online gambling platforms freeze cards?

In addition to the data of the table you play being taken away by Uncle, the biggest reason for freezing the card in the online gambling project is that the fraudsters are cheating on the table, and these cheating funds flow into your card.

If there is no cheating, it can be said that your card will basically not be frozen, no matter how you bet and how much money you have.

I am not afraid of the gamblers calling the police when they lose money, but I am afraid of these fraudsters who cheat.

The core of freezing the card is that the victims report the funds involved in the case, and few gamblers who lose money will go to the police. The victims of the fraud case are different. They have not participated in any illegal activities. After being cheated, they will 100% go to the police.

Why haven't you been frozen in Yibifu? You are lucky, and the funds matched to you are the funds of the gamblers. If you are matched with the fraud funds, I'm sorry, the victim will directly call the police and say that the money has been transferred to you, and suspect that you are in the same group with the scammers.

You should know that your card is real-name, and the photo and fingerprint are recorded. There is no more direct evidence than a bank card (WeChat and Alipay are the same). Uncle will directly target (you) and make a judicial freeze on your bank account.

You have no privacy on the Internet. You must believe in your uncle's ability. The reason I don't look for you now is because you haven't surfaced yet, or you are not important enough for your uncle to catch you across provinces. Maybe your information is already in your uncle's hands.

Yesterday, a fan contacted Tianji and said that his card was frozen after he only made one withdrawal from Yibipay.

Those who play WD and those who speculate in cryptocurrencies are two different circles. A large part of gamblers do not have virtual currency exchanges and wallets, and can only use Yibipay or EB recommended by the platform to buy and sell U.

And gamblers who use virtual currency exchanges to deposit and withdraw money will also encounter the situation of receiving black money when selling U and placing points on the exchange.

Yes, not only online gambling has frozen cards, but also in the cryptocurrency circle.

If there are 10 electronic fraudsters, 9 of them were in online gambling tables and 1 in the cryptocurrency circle before; now there are 7 in online gambling tables and 3 in the cryptocurrency circle. With the popularity of virtual currency, these bad guys are slowly entering the cryptocurrency circle.

In the author's contact, it was found that more gamblers knew about Ouyi Exchange than those who knew about B'an Exchange. In fact, B'an is more well-known than Ouyi.

Many of the currency dealers in Ouyi Exchange are X Baibai. When you sell U in it, the currency dealer directly transfers the black money to you.

Why are there more Ouyi currency dealers X Baibai than B'an?

Very simple!

Because the conditions for entering the currency trader in B'an Exchange are higher than those in Ouyi. B'an requires a deposit of 15,000 U to become a currency trader, while Ouyi only requires a deposit of 10,000 U.

For these bad guys who are good at doing nothing, of course, it is cheaper to do currency trader in Ouyi, and Ouyi's traffic is also OK.

If Ouyi wants to improve the freezing of cards, it only needs to change the deposit of currency traders to 20,000 U, then these bad currency traders will go to B'an Exchange to cause trouble.


Whether it is Ouyi or B'an, as long as you sell U in the exchange, there is a possibility of freezing the card.

Because the money of the currency traders in the exchange comes from different customers of the exchange, and the customer group of the exchange is complex, including fraudsters, money-making, capital plates, overseas pig-killing plates, online gambling, Huang Bo, scammers...

The money of these bad guys is transferred to the currency trader account, and you sell U here, the result is that the currency trader has first-hand black money, and you are second-hand black money, which is the main reason why the exchange sells U and freezes the card.

No matter how the exchange's currency dealers review and screen, as long as his money comes from different customers of the exchange, he will definitely not guarantee the safety of your funds.

If you are unlucky enough to meet a currency dealer who specializes in X for nothing, then you are directly a black money, and your card is involved in the case at the first level, which is basically useless. Not only will other cards under your name be controlled, but the local uncle will also come to your door and press your head.