#大盘走势 Dear friends in the currency circle, we all know that the current environment is a bull market. Many people think that long-term holding is enough, and they will sell it at the end of the bull market and make easy profits. But to be honest, is long-term currency really that easy to control?

During this long period of holding currency, you have to experience countless emotional ups and downs. Sometimes you make a lot of profit, and sometimes you lose a lot of money. The cost line is like a naughty child, jumping around you. Not to mention that the currency in your hand is motionless, while other currencies are soaring like a rocket, one, three, five, ten times, which makes people itch.

At this time, have you also thought about changing positions with floating profits, or even changing positions with losses? But don't forget that once you change, you may miss the moment of the original currency's outbreak. Don't change it, it feels like playing a psychological game with the dealer, and your mentality is about to collapse.

Not to mention the position wear and tear caused by frequent position changes, that is a real loss. But once you get on the bus, you are already in this game. Everyone is your opponent. It depends on who can survive to the end. You have to have that kind of pattern to firmly grasp that wealth.

This is the charm of the currency circle, isn't it? Long-term players have a unique vision. They hold on to the selected coins and never sell them until they reach their goals. When you are bored, you can also play short-term and find excitement. Short-term players are fast in and out, looking for new opportunities every day. So, which one are you?

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