💰 #BTC、 fundamentals

The majority still do not understand how strong $BTC is fundamentally and just watching Hopium charts. Here are the main problems Bitcoin solved at once💁‍♂️

• Limited Supply

• The Double Spend problem - Bitcoin innovation

• Distributed Ledger (contains all confirmed transactions & timestamps)

• Excludes a third party between Sender & Receiver

• Privacy

Additionally: BTC has all basic characteristics of money💵

• Portable

• Durable

• Fungible

• Divisible (you are not forced to have 1 BTC, it can be 0.5 or 0.011. - checkmate to all sceptics that say we only have 21mln Bitcoins)

• Most important we have a consensus on it

$BTC is definitely a new form of money. It's Evolution of Money! 🚀

"If you don't believe it or don't get it, I don't have the time to try to convince you, sorry."
