What is Ether.fi? How to participate in the ETHFI Season 2 event?

ETHFI has seen a good increase recently, and the ETHFI Phase 2 event is also underway. Today, let me briefly talk about it. Friends who have participated in the Phase 1 event can directly participate in the Phase 2 event, and those who have not participated can consider participating

What is Ether.fi?

Ether.Fi is a new infrastructure-based staking protocol on Ethereum. Ether.Fi allows participants to retain control of their keys when staking on behalf of others. Deposits to Ether.Fi will automatically re-stake with Eigenlayer. Eigenlayer uses staked ETH to support external systems (such as rollups, oracles) to establish an economic security layer, which increases the returns of ETH stakers in the process.

The staking track (Restake) is a hot track this year. Other currencies in the same track have not yet been launched. Ether.fi is the first project to issue a coin and go online on Binance. The potential value is very good. The airdrop in the first phase is also good. The second phase of the activity has been launched. 5% of the tokens will be obtained by providing liquidity for Ether.fi in this phase.

ETHFI Season 2 event StakeRank, the second season of the activity lasts from March 15 to June 30, and StakeRank (badge ranking system) starts on March 25, 2024

StakeRank provides higher loyalty points rewards for users who use ether.fi for longer periods of time. 5% of the total supply of ETHFI tokens will be allocated to the second season


1. StakeRank is a level system with 8 levels or "levels"

2. Users will upgrade 1 level every 100 hours when staking ETH on ether.fi

3. Each level has a gradually higher loyalty points rate increase

4. Your staking balance needs to be higher than 0.1 eETH is required to continue to improve the ranking

5. Users who participated in the first season started from Rank II, and the ranking improvement range is 1x - 2x (subject to change)

6. Ether.Fan NFT holders are automatically upgraded to Rank III, and each NFT holder is only applicable once

7. In the transition to Season 2, the protocol aims to recognize Season 1 participants while not disproportionately allocating Season 2 airdrops to them. To achieve this goal, 💰qun+v: 417072555👈Everyone's loyalty point accumulation rate will be increased by 10 times.While this will dilute old points, they will still be valid, subject to the following conditions.

8. All eETH and weETH, whether held or in DeFi positions, including Liquid, will be treated equally by StakeRank.

How can I increase my points for Season 2 activities?

The best way is to provide liquidity to Ether.fi's Liquid, an automated DeFi strategy library that provides ether.fi customers with a simple access point to use their eETH in the DeFi ecosystem. Users simply deposit eETH, weETH, or WETH, and the vault will allocate various DeFi positions behind the scenes.

As the number of eETH integrations increases, it may become challenging for the ether.fi community to keep up with the best opportunities. In addition, some opportunities (such as LPing on Uniswap V3) require specific expertise to maximize performance (selecting quote ranges, etc.).

Over time, the vault will add new integrations to grow with eETH DeFi. This ensures that the vault remains competitive in the rapidly evolving DeFi market and will add other protocols that the vault can allocate over time.