In the last 2 days, I've seen quite a few good Kol teams (including some I really like) calling short $BTC for 5x. By the way, I also share a bit about my personal views on the market in the next 1-2 months.

1. Actually, for me, watching BTC pump or dump is not too important, so I don't object to those who have opposite views to mine. I always say that in the short term whether the market view is right or wrong is not as important as how you will react to the market in each case. If you don't have plans ready for yourself, when the market runs too fast you won't be able to think of the best options for yourself in time and will most likely make wrong decisions.

2. My view in the next 2-3 months.

I've talked about this a lot in the past 2 months. I still believe the market will grow this April or maybe longer. The reason is, please take the time to read the old posts. 😅

Currently, I am still on the path to take profits to increase the amount of USDT to about 50% in anticipation of a strong correction after the halving. The items that bring in big profits this time like $PENDLE will also be divided into parts. At the end of the month, I will close all remaining trade orders even if I have not reached the desired profit.

-> All my shares above are only personal, so if you want to watch, you can watch it, so please don't be toxic. Let's share knowledge together in a civilized way. The person who brings home the money is the winner, so don't crow or tease anyone. =)))

P/s: The photo was drawn on my phone so it's a bit ugly, please forgive me. 😅

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