ORDI is a signal strategy that feeds you with food. You have to pay before you can see it in other places, right? But Brother Sanma has sent it to you in advance? And he firmly told you that the spot did not move at that time.

The second entry point of the Audi signal strategy is clearly written as 57.6 (click the strategy in Figure 3 at the bottom), and then after Brother Sanma publicly sent it out, the dog dealer dropped the price to 57.3 12 hours later, which means that you have plenty of time to enter the market accurately and expect it.

If you are careful, you can check the time when the strategy is issued and the time when the price arrives. If it is a horse-front cannon, it will be done.

If you follow it, give me a call to follow it. Just follow me, like and forward it. The food is fed to you!

The vast majority of his fans said that they made a lot of money by following the horse-front cannon analysis + signal strategy, and they came directly to Brother Sanma to join the circle, but you always get enough free stuff, and people who don’t have the awareness of paying fat will often be in a trough. Not only are you ignorant, but you are also wasting your time. $ORDI