Binance's new coin mining project $saga, the previous airdrops for $atom and $tia have already reached the test network, just wait for the main network to go online. Received 2,200 airdrops. Not planning to sell, continue to pledge to participate in the next season of $saga's loyalty pledge airdrop. $saga pledge will also have many game projects for airdrops in the future. According to the public information of the test network, there are 300 games. There are also 30 projects launched at a 10% discount. A lot of airdrops! The founder is from Harvard University, with good resources and investment from top European and American VCs, which is one of the factors that the project can directly go to Binance for new coin mining. The total amount is 1 billion, and the initial circulation is 9%, that is, 90 million. I personally estimate the launch price to be around 4u.
