
This mining period has just ended on the first day

Those who haven't participated, hurry up, brothers, don't think it's too little, compound interest is the best.

Even if it's 10,000 yuan, according to this 1 point return per period, 20-30 years is not a big problem at all [enough for Lao Ai to work part-time as a plateman for a year when he was in school]

How to participate in mining, I posted this period's tutorial on my homepage

Some things can be few, but they must be there. Whether you hold BNB to mine or FDUSD to mine, it is a good choice. Of course, I will say it again that BNB gold shovels will not lose anything when they are low.

To be honest, when I was young, I didn't have a penny in my pocket. I thought I must make big money, and often looked down on small money.

After being beaten by society many times, I know that compound interest and continuous income are the real