🎉 Well, comrades, here's news for you on planet Earth: in March, a negligible number of new jobs were created in the United States - only 303 thousand! How little, right? After all, we all know that the US economy is such a tiny thing that never goes into crisis, right?

🤦‍♂️And now, thanks to this, it is expected that in September we will be provided with the first rate reduction. Oh, what news! Well, of course, because everyone knows that lowering interest rates is something that always happens in times of economic prosperity, and not in periods of instability. Now let's see how all this will affect the world of cryptocurrencies.

🐱‍👓After all, as we all know, the economy is closely related to the cryptocurrency markets, and it never happens that one does not affect the other, right?

🤷‍♀️So let's wait with horror and anticipation to see how these changes in the US economy will affect our favorite cryptocurrencies. Maybe they'll start acting like real money, or maybe they'll just ignore it all and get on with their own fun. 🚀