Blockchain Liangqiu: 4.5 Bitcoin/Ethereum evening operation strategy with market analysis

Bitcoin/Ethereum last night to this evening, the market has once again gone up and down, with a large overall volatility, that is, how to pull up, how to fall. Friends who do not control the trend or the position well may directly stop loss back and forth. In the evening, the US non-agricultural data was released, and the market went down again, and then the market was repaired again. The lowest price of Bitcoin was below 66,000, and the lowest price of Ethereum was around 3208, and then it began to rebound and fluctuate again. The current market is around 3240 and 66,600 again.

After the hourly line closed, it closed with a long lower shadow positive line. As of now, the four-hour line is still closed with a positive line. If you are more stable, you can pay attention to the closing situation at 12 o'clock in the evening. Bitcoin relies on the lower track of the four-hour Bollinger band to stabilize. Ethereum also relies on the lower track of the Bollinger band for support. Pay special attention to the support strength of 3200. If the support is effective, the market will fluctuate. Try not to chase the rise and fall near the recent lows and highs. There must be a correction after a rise, and there must be a repair after a fall. There is a lot of room for decline from last night to now, and it just happened to touch the support level. The market needs to repair and rebound. In addition, the daily moving average indicator has also deviated a lot, and it is also necessary to repair it. Pay attention to the pressure of the 68500 and 3400 moving averages.

In the evening operation, long orders are entered near 66200 to 66500 of Bitcoin, with a target of around 68000; long orders are entered near 3210 to 3230 of Ethereum, with a target of around 3300 to 3330. The post is time-sensitive. The current market is good. Friends who are not good at controlling the rhythm can consult more. More strategies are based on real-time guidance.

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