Binance#BinanceNew Coin Mining 51st Project - Saga @Sagaxyz__, mining has started, all#BNBholders, don't forget to invest, enjoy the feeling of endless mining😆

👉🏻Now put BNB and FDUSD into the SAGA mining pool to start mining SAGA

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Next, let's take a quick look at what saga is

❓What is saga?

Saga is a Layer 1 protocol that allows developers to automatically launch parallel, interoperable, dedicated chains for different virtual machines - "Chainlets", providing unlimited scalability for applications.

Saga allows developers to launch Chainlets with a single click of a button through shared security, cutting-edge validator orchestration, and standardized automated CI/CD deployment pipelines across any type of blockchain virtual machines.

What are the highlights of soga?

In less than 2 years, the Saga ecosystem has grown to 350 projects based on its protocol, 80% of which are games. Saga has also established partnerships with Polygon, Avalanche, MarbleX, Com2uS, and Celestia to automatically scale its infrastructure using Chainlets. It covers multiple fields such as games, NFTs, entertainment, and DeFi. The diversity and innovation of these projects have brought rich content and vitality to the Saga ecosystem.

In terms of partners, Saga has achieved extensive expansion and application of Chainlets through cooperation with multiple Layer 1 protocols. Whether it is Polygon's CDK chain, Avalanche's subnet, Celestia's decentralized aggregation, or MarbleX and Com2uS's infrastructure, Saga provides strong support and convenient solutions through Chainlets technology.

In March 2024, Saga launched Saga Origins, a new division focused on game distribution. Saga Origins aims to bring high-quality games to market and provide developers with a full range of services and support. Unlike the traditional game distribution model, Saga Origins not only provides funding during the game construction and release stages, but also helps developers increase the game's visibility and market influence through cooperation with influential people, sponsorship of user acquisition activities, community building and promotion support.

What are the existing products and features?

The Saga mainnet consists of a security chain and a platform chain, which is the infrastructure of the Saga protocol. The security chain, as the first security source of the Saga protocol, ensures the security of the entire network; while the platform chain is the main place for developers to launch and maintain their Chainlets. Chainlets are the operating area of ​​​​all applications and where end-user activities occur. Saga's goal is to achieve virtual machine-independent deployment, allowing developers to deploy applications in any environment they choose.

Each Chainlet of the Saga protocol has unlimited horizontal scalability, allowing applications to scale elastically according to performance requirements. In addition, Chainlets also provide cost-free transactions and low and predictable chain fees, allowing developers to choose the monetization model that best suits their projects. Automation and interoperability are two other key features of Chainlets, allowing assets to be freely and quickly transferred between different Chainlets and ecosystems.

Financing and initial circulation of tokens?

The Saga protocol has successfully raised $15 million in funds, and investors include well-known institutions such as Placeholder, Maven11, Longhash, Samsung, Com2uS, Polygon, Merit Circle, Figment and Chorus One.

$SAGA is the native token of the Saga protocol (see the attached figure for token distribution and unlocking). Its initial supply is 1 billion. The total circulation at the time of TGE is about 90 million, accounting for 9% of the total supply. Among them, Binance pool mined a total of 45 million SAGA (accounting for 4.5% of the maximum supply of tokens).